Real-world Dog Training- Any Breed, Age, Size, or Issue!

Why NOW is the time to join Alpha Academy alpha academy dog obedience course online dog training Mar 05, 2024
Are you tired of dealing with your dog's disobedience or lack of manners? Do you dream of a well-behaved companion who listens to your commands and respects your household rules? Look no further! Our Basic Obedience Training Course is the solution you've been searching for.

At Alpha

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Dog Training Equipment: Benefits and Drawbacks of Harnesses for Pulling Behavior equipment Jan 14, 2023

One of the most crucial factors to take into account when training a dog is the equipment you use.  

Although many dog owners choose harnesses to deter pulling behavior,  they are not the ideal choice for training.
The biggest issue with utilizing a harness during training is...
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Why Dog Training is the Smartest Thing You Can Do dog training Dec 15, 2022

Are you thinking about signing up for dog training classes? If so, you're making a great decision for both you and your furry friend! Not only can dog training improve your pet's behavior, but it can also have a number of mental and social benefits for both you and your dog.

First and foremost, tra...

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What you'll NEED for a new puppy puppy Jul 27, 2022

You're bringing home your new puppy in a few weeks, what will you NEED?

1. Food 

This seems like a no-brainer. But how do you know which food is best for you? Food is marketed with many different names like "large breeds", "puppies", "Sensitive Skin", etc. You will most certainly need a food speci...

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Properly Socializing Your Dog group class socialization Jun 01, 2022

What is "proper socialization"? 

You're walking down the street with your dog and you come across another dog.

"OMG! Another dog! They are going to love each other and be friends!"

Wrong! This is a recipe for disaster. You need to respect the dog, the owner, and their space, as they should yo...

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Graduation Day! Apr 21, 2022


Today we celebrated four of our Advanced Obedience graduates!

Peaches, Scooby, Rook & Otto

These dogs came to us with various issues:

- Peaches was feral, timid, and wouldn't even look at us.

- Rook was a little skeptical of other dogs, and very vocal.

- Scooby was a puppy who neede...

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We are training YOU, not your dog philosophy Mar 08, 2022
You know the saying, “you put in the work, you’ll see results”.
That goes hand in hand with our training philosophy.
Sure, we are training your dog, but more so, we are training YOU !!!
We don’t go home with the dog, you do.
You want to see results? Then YOU have to do th
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